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ENROLMENT UPDATE for September 2022 entry
Thank you to everyone who applied for September 2022 entry. Enrolment has now been completed and Acting, Dance, Music & Musical Theatre courses are now fully enrolled and closed.
For any September 2022 applicant to Acting, Dance, Music or Musical Theatre who was placed on the reserve list and has a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 and above (or equivalent) there are a limited number of places available on our fantastic Technical Theatre & Design for Performance courses for September 2022.
If you are interested in being part of the LSFC community, lighting, sound, stage management or front of house, or if you have skills in art and design and think you could use them to design and make costume, set and props then this could be the course for you! We would love to have a chat to you about joining us on this course. Contact our Admissions Officer Julie for more information by Friday 9th September on admissions@lipasixthformcollege.org